What makes our approach different?

At Focus, we are very proud of the authenticity and competence of our clinicians and management staff. Here are some ways that we attempt to address all aspects of a complete health care experience.

  • Focus is a family owned and operated practice. Focus owner, David Vrsalovic, has created a warm, comfortable healing environment. Far from cold, sterile or intimidating, we hope that one step into our office will make you feel like you are in someone’s home.
  • A multi-faceted approach to healing and recovery is implemented from the first visit. We practice a clinical marriage of modern western orthopedics and nutrition with traditional Eastern medicine and philosophy. This can include manual therapy, acupuncture, nutritional counseling, yoga, Pilates, Qi-Gong, and strength training. There is no cook book. Every person has individual needs and it is approached that way at Focus.
  • At Focus, physical therapy does not mean you go off into a corner and do a series of exercises on your own. We are a hands on practice where we specialize in the release of weakness and pain through a number of possible techniques. We believe that a proper orthopedic assessment begins with an analysis of the entire body. A full biomechanical and neurological examination is performed during every visit. All structural asymmetries and areas of nerve entrapment are addressed. We believe that an area of tissue, joint, or nerve entrapment in one part of the body will affect how the entire body performs. This can and will cause pain in another part of the body. We specialize in the release of these entrapments through manipulations of soft tissue, joints, and nerves. This is done with our hands, acupuncture needles and carefully constructed stretching and strengthening routines that can be performed anywhere.
  • Every patient’s diet is reviewed for it’s pertinence to the condition as well as overall health maintenance. Today’s modern diet is filled with imbalances that promote bodily inflammation and pain, ie-joint pain, slowly healing tendonitis, gastrointestinal irritation, headaches, etc. At Focus, diet is analyzed to identify any food imbalances both in terms of macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats), as well as micronutrients (vitamins, minerals). Improper levels can lead to spikes of blood imbalances of water, protein, and PH levels (acidity) which promote these inflammatory conditions and slow the healing rate.
We are a hands on practice where we specialize in the release of weakness and pain through a number of possible techniques.
A multi-faceted approach to healing and recovery is implemented from the first visit.
Every patient’s diet is reviewed for it’s pertinence to the condition as well as overall health maintenance.